3 Issues You Might Experience With The Old Pipes In Your Home


With a new home, you are content with the knowledge that the roof doesn’t leak, the electrical system is efficient, and the pipes and plumbing are intact.

With an older house, however, these elements are not necessarily guaranteed.

For homes built before 1990, there are a variety of issues that may need attention because the laws and regulations were different then and maybe not so strict or comprehensible. 

Some of the biggest issues you may experience in your home are the result of old pipes. Unfortunately, dealing with old pipes in your home has several risks.

For instance, they can cause low water pressure as they become clogged with mineral deposits over time.

Additionally, rust will accumulate in your plumbing system as the pipes deteriorate.

Even if a small amount of rust isn’t harmful, a water source contaminated with rust might be unpleasant. It can cause hard water, stiff clothes, and residue on silverware and dishes in your dishwasher. 

But apart from the dangers mentioned earlier, it’s essential to get familiar with the common causes. Generally, the fault for old pipes may lie in the pipe construction, the outdated technology, or just worn-out use. 

Each of these elements will be discussed here:

1. Pipe Construction

The pipes found in most older homes are not necessarily made from the pipes constructed today.

Newer materials, like different types of MDPE pipe resources, have been discovered and created that are less apt to decay and are safer than those of yesteryear.

It’s a result of building codes being evaluated and updated for stricter purposes. 

The problem lies in that older pipes are made using outdated piping materials, such as lead, or constructed via galvanization. 


Lead is considered one of the most dangerous and toxic materials for the construction of household pipes. It is also the oldest material around.

The reason it was used before was that lead was one of the more durable and malleable elements for designing pipes. The actual use of lead was restricted since 1920.

However, it was not completely banned until 1986. Thus, builders or plumbers were actively able to employ lead for many home construction needs, such as household pipes.

The subsequent result now proves to be quite a detrimental problem for older homes. 

To find out if your pipes are made of lead, contact your water company or health department immediately.

They can test your water for lead components and assist you in reducing your risks for contamination and poisoning your body. 


Pipes that are galvanized are generally constructed with iron and specially coated with zinc.

It sounds perfect, but the problems arise when the zinc begins to erode. This causes corroding and leaking and then results in the ultimate breakdown of your pipes.

When this occurs, you may find yourself with clogged pipes, discolored water, low water pressure, and leftover sediment in your tub or sink as mentioned above. 

Usually, pipes that are galvanized last for more than sixty years. But if they were built before the 1960s, your home is already due for some problematic issues.

Hence, if you’ve found out your old pipes at home were built through galvanization or from outdated piping materials like lead, replacing them with new ones may be the best thing you can do.

That way, you can ensure your home’s plumbing pipes will last for a long time without any issues, including those harmful to your body. 

However, replacing old pipes can be a challenging job. Unless you have the expertise, you should work with an experienced plumbing professional to handle the project. They have the skills and expertise to install new pipes without any hassle.

So, if you’re looking for the right person to work with, you can seek word-of-mouth referrals from family and friends or conduct research online.

For example, you can enter, “best plumbers near me on the search bar to obtain more information about some prospects to choose from. 

2. Old Technology

With an older house comes the issues of older waste and drain systems, too.

Because proper drainage relied greatly on gravity, the pipes that are now groaning and misbehaving in your home are the sheer result of the settling of your home over time.

With this settling, your household pipes are now causing more rigid dips in your plumbing that was never there before.

These dips are called ‘pipe bellies.’ They are the reasons for slow drains, consistent clogs, and the infamous sewer odors. 

The issue is real and challenging because the only way to fix it completely is to re-do your pipework. The short-term solution is for constant pipe cleaning. 

3. Old Age

After years and years of constant use, it’s only natural that old connections and fixtures start to break down. They begin to corrode and cease to work.

Faucets and sinks can leak. Water flow slows down and stops. Knobs no longer turn, and pipes explode and burst. 

Whether it’s knocking, leaking, or corroding, old pipes can cause serious problems when you least expect it. It may be easier to just chalk it up to old age and suffer through it.

But these quirks with your pipes could lead to more severe problems, which can cost you more money in the long run.

If that leaking pipe under your sink finally blows up, it can cause more water damage than just under the sink. That water line leads to other lines and other places behind the walls of your home.

For your protection, it’s best to fix or replace these damaged fixtures before anything else goes wrong. 


Newer homes are great for their bright, shiny appearances and newfangled appliances, but an older home has the charm of history and quaint memories.

There are so many architectural features that are not always included in brand new houses, things like crown molding, stained glass windows, or hardwood floors.

These elements are beautiful and elegant to the eye. 

With an older home, however, comes the less enchanting problems of old pipes and plumbing. Things like leaky radiators and corroded pipes or connectors remain hidden until problems start cropping up.

Though they may seem problematic, these issues are common in older homes. Yet knowing what they are and how to deal with them can ease your mind as you enjoy your home and all its quaint ideals. 

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