How To Maintain Good Air Quality Inside Your Home


Do you find yourself coughing more than usual at home?

Do you smell something “funky” and can’t determine the source of the stinky scent?

Are household members beginning to become sick?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, your home might have poor indoor air quality.

Weak health, cumbersome stenches and unclean surroundings are a few of the many consequences of failing to maintain good indoor air quality.

So it should be in your best interest to continue reading to know five tips to improve air quality inside your abode.

Replace Air Filters

Air filters serve to catch particles, such as dust, mold, and pollen, from entering your home.

Clean filters do a relatively good job of preventing these substances from arriving uninvited into your house.

But filters can become dirty over time. Dirt and other substances can damage the component, causing unclean elements to weaken your home’s indoor air quality.

At this point, changing your air filter should become a top priority.

Changing the filter requires you to temporarily turn off the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Do this step first to reduce the risks of accidents and mishaps during the replacement process.

Next, locate the filter and determine the component’s size. Acquire the dimensions before purchasing a new filter for the HVAC system.

Once you have a new filter, remove the old unit. You may need to use tools like a screwdriver to remove the filter correctly.

Insert the new air filter carefully and turn on the HVAC system again. You should now enjoy fresh air inside your home.

If you find this task to be too challenging, you can always count on professional help to aid you in this regard.

Senior caucasian man changing a folded dirty air filter in the HVAC furnace system in basement of home

Keep The Floors Clean

If you think about poor indoor air quality, perhaps the first thought that enters your mind is airborne particles.

Consider thinking about sources of unclean particles around your home that may reduce indoor air quality.

On that note, think about your floors. Are particles floating into the air once you step on the flooring? These tiny things will mix with the breathable space, causing a heightened risk of household members inhaling these substances.

Therefore, clean your floors to improve your home’s indoor air quality. You can start by creating and maintaining a vacuum-cleaning schedule.

Use vacuum cleaners to ensure particles on the floor won’t become airborne. Also, use vacuums with HEPA filters to help reduce lead concentrations indoors.

The continuous absorption of lead by the body can cause health complications, such as decreases in cognitive and nervous functions.

Aside from using your vacuum cleaner regularly, don’t forget to mop the floor. Use a wet mop to pick up any remaining dust or debris that the vacuum leaves behind.

Open The Windows

Perhaps one of the cheapest ways to improve and maintain good air quality inside your home is to open the windows.

Do this to create breathable spaces around your abode. Also, opening these entryways can help reduce indoor humidity, an essential element for the survival of dust mites, molds, and mildew.

Keep in mind that this tip may not work for every household. Some properties might be nearby crowded streets.

Smoke from vehicles may enter the home if you open your windows. Hence, it might be better to keep your windows closed and use other techniques to improve indoor air quality.

Use Houseplants

Houseplants help maintain and improve indoor air quality by reducing harmful airborne components, such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide.

Consider the following houseplants the next time you’re looking for “green” ways to improve your home’s air quality:

  • Aloe Vera
  • Spider Plant
  • Gerbera daisy
  • Snake plant
  • Golden photos

Use Air Purifiers

If you don’t mind spending extra cash to maintain your home’s good air quality, you can purchase a reliable air purifier.

Air purifiers use internal fans to pull air from your home to a series of filters. These devices will then purify the captured air (hence the name) before returning it.

The process will repeat several times throughout the day, keeping the indoor environment as healthy as possible.

Purifying the air using these gadgets can also help reduce the risks of specific illnesses, such as:

  • Asthma
  • Allergy attacks
  • Lung disease
  • Mesothelioma
  • Leukemia


Don’t disregard the importance of maintaining good indoor air quality. Changing air filters, cleaning the floors, and opening the windows are only a few of the many techniques you should consider.

Follow these tips, and every household member should enjoy breathing fresh indoor air.

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