8 Pests That Prefer the Mild Climate of San Diego


The sunny, mild climate of Southern California attracts many tourists and is liked by its inhabitants.

However, if you own real estate in San Diego, then you probably know that not only people prefer comfortable conditions for permanent residence and recreation. 

In San Diego, houses are constantly attacked by various types of pests. Some are easier to get rid of, others are harder.

Some species are hazardous. But all of them, although they are part of a unique ecosystem, cannot be part of a calm, measured life in the house.

Here are some of the pests that prefer the mild climate of San Diego:

1. Rodents

The ubiquitous rodents such as mice and rats are the most common pests on the planet. In San Diego, you will have to deal with them too.

You need to get rid of rodents immediately, as they are carriers of dozens of serious diseases.

These critters reproduce at an incredible rate, and while you can get rid of them yourself in the early stages of an infestation, large populations will make you look for pest control companies in San Diego.

In addition to mice and rats, squirrels can also visit your home.

2. Termites

San Diego is in the top 20 USA cities with the highest number of termites. This glorious city is home to three species: drywood termites, dampwood termites, and subterranean termites.

The second and third types most often attack houses. Different types of termites breed and create new colonies at different times of the year.

However, for everyone, autumn is a time of extreme activity. These pests can go unnoticed for a long time.

And, perhaps, when the owner of the house notices their presence, in addition to calling professionals, he will also have to repair the supporting wooden structures.

3. Spiders

Spider species such as the tarantula, black widow, and brown widow live in San Diego. All of these spiders are poisonous.

Widow spiders love human habitation. They choose dark places, hide in the backyard in furniture, or on playgrounds.

The consequences of being bitten by a venomous spider can lead to serious health conditions, so the best solution is to make sure your home is free of these arthropods.

4. Various Bloodsuckers

Living in a place with a warm climate says not only how lucky you are but also that you have to fight mosquitoes all year round.

In San Diego, there are many other small insects that feed on blood and carry diseases.

These are fleas, ticks, bed bugs, and lice. Bed bug infestations are widespread and require the help of professionals.

5. Scorpions

Although scorpions can be helpful as they prey on spiders, various insects, and small rodents at night, their presence in the home is a danger to you, your family, and your curious pets.

There are three types of scorpions in San Diego: the giant hairy scorpion, the Arizona bark scorpion, and the stripe-tailed scorpion. 

The most dangerous for humans is the bark scorpion. Its bite rarely results in death but always causes severe symptoms.

These arachnids enter your home through small cracks, so it’s best to check the walls for them and patch them up.

Scorpions settle in damp rooms, such as the kitchen, bathroom, and basement. Insects in the house are a tasty treat for a scorpion.

6. Ants

In San Diego, the most common ant species are harvester ants, odorous house ants, Argentine ants,  little black ants, and Pharaoh ants.

These pests live in your home, hiding under stoves and in dark, damp places. They are like sugar, so they will attack all the available foods in your lockers.

If you have fruit trees in your yard, the ants will quickly destroy the crop by living close by inside the rotten trees.

Getting rid of these insects is very difficult, and you will definitely need to develop a set of actions and take the help of professionals.

7. Cockroaches 

Cockroaches are the most common pest in Southern California. These disgusting creatures can get into the house in many ways and bring with them a huge variety of diseases.

Crawling literally throughout the house, they spread pathogens, infecting dishes, furniture, plumbing, and bedding. 

here are 4 types of cockroaches in San Diego. These are the American cockroach, the German cockroach, the Oriental cockroach, and the Brown-banded cockroach.

The German cockroach is the hardest to get rid of. Besides, this species breeds faster than others.

8. Wasps

Wasps live in San Diego, as well as their closest relatives, hornets, and yellow jackets. These species are quite aggressive and will immediately sting a person if he poses a threat to the insect.

The stings are painful and are typically not accompanied by more serious symptoms other than pain and swelling.

However, if the person is allergic to the venom, the bite can be fatal. This is the type of pest that you do not need to fight on your own.

Working with wasp nests is very dangerous and should be handled by a professional.

How to Avoid Infestations

In most cases, infestation by many of these pests can be avoided by following simple rules: 

  • Keep your house clean.
  • Hide cereals and cookies in containers, and immediately throw leftover food in the trash after dinner.
  • Check your house regularly for pests.
  • Seal up any holes or crevices that could be an entrance for a mouse, scorpion, or other pests.

It may seem that living next to so many pests is like hell. But San Diego residents don’t look exhausted. You can adapt to everything by acting wisely.

All of the above pests want to get into your home, but you know their weaknesses and can usually act early to prevent an infestation. 

If nevertheless, annoying termites, wasps, cockroaches, or rodents have gotten into your house, then you can use many methods to get rid of them.

Most importantly, if it is a poisonous species, it is better to call a professional. 

Share your experience. What pest did you manage to get rid of, and how?

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