It’s critical that obscuring elements are kept away from the sightline of your security cameras, and one common problem is the presence of insects.
In particular, bees and wasps pose a big problem for security alarm systems, whether they are freely flying, or have managed to build a hive in proximity to the cameras.
Here are some methods for keeping them away from the camera that will assure your safety is maintained.
1. Disable LED Lights
There are more than moths that are attracted to lights. Many security cameras have LED lights built into them.
If there is an option for dimming or turning them off, do so, and the attractiveness of the camera decreases significantly to all of the pesky insects.
2. Spray Bug Repellant
Bug repellant seems like an obvious option, but with a few caveats. You want to make sure that you spray around the camera and not on it directly, paying particular attention to not spraying the lens.
There are numerous guides online to help you choose the correct repellant for your specifications, which include the species of bug and if you have concerns about particular chemical contents.
3. Use a Flea Collar
This might sound like a peculiar example, but looping a flea collar around the camera and making sure you aren’t obscuring the lens or positioning it in a way where it can trip any switches is an effective method of keeping bugs, including bees and wasps, away from the camera.
The flea collar for dogs and cats has proven to ward away numerous other insects.
4. Use a Fan
A low-priced computer fan is a worthy investment for warding off insects since the constant breeze will disrupt them in-flight and lead to enough annoyance in them that they will most likely choose another area to explore.
This is also an effective method of preventing spiders from building webs over the camera’s sightline.
5. Apply Lubricants
Vaseline, Teflon Spray, and numerous other lubricating substances may be used to cover the body and surrounding space around the camera, making it too slippery to land on.
Be sure to cover the lens before applying, however, since these lubricants will smear and obscure the camera’s lens so much that it will create its own problem.
6. Attach a Dryer Sheet
Dryer sheets have a pungent odor that will ward off insects as well as a flea collar or bug repellant would. Attach it near the camera or onto its body.
Remain Vigilant
The best preventative is being aware. No matter which of these methods you choose, either singularly or trying multiple options at once, it is essential that you make weekly rounds on the property to make sure they are working.
Conditions change with weather and other acts of nature, so keeping a close eye on the camera, its immediate surroundings, the conditions of the house itself, and the yard for any signs of insect proliferation will save you time, money, and keep you safe in the long-run.
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