3 Compelling Reasons to Go Green When Constructing Homes


There is now a growing awareness of the dire effects of climate change in many nations in the world.

Since we are more intelligent and arguably the more destructive creatures on the planet, humans are assumed to have a greater responsibility in making sure that the problem does not get even worse.

As a result, there is now clamor for environmentally friendly practices in almost everything, including home construction. 

However, there are those who resist such trends, saying that it is too inconvenient or expensive to go green.

What they don’t realize is that there are actually a lot of immediate benefits when we adopt green practices in building our homes:

1. Green Materials are Durable

Environmentally friendly homes are made of materials that are either naturally sustainable or recycled.

However, just because they are natural or recycled does not really mean that they wither easily.

Some of these materials last even longer than the ones that we are more accustomed to.

For example, decks that are made of recycled plastic and wood fibers can last five times longer than the usual wooden decks. Recycled-content decks don’t even need to be treated, so you save time and effort with them. 

The benefits of green materials are maximized if they are installed and prepared appropriately. This is why you need professional builders because they have the competence and experience needed for green projects.

2. Indoor Air Quality is Better in Green Homes

Green materials are most likely organic or naturally occurring. Hence, they don’t have the usual chemicals that give off pungent smells and ultimately pollute the air.

Some environmentally friendly materials even have the ability to cleanse the air.

For example, sheep wool that is now being used in insulating homes has been found to have the ability to take formaldehyde and sulfur dioxide out of the air. 

Breathing in cleaner air at home gives more benefits than what is obvious.

There are studies that show that dirty air does mess not only with the lungs but also with the brain, which leads to deficiencies in focus and productivity.

3. Green Practices at Home Lead to Savings

Admittedly, some methods of going green currently have high upfront costs.

However, using environmentally friendly materials and designs in homes can actually bring a significant amount of savings in the long run.

Particularly, the US Department of Energy estimates that if current structures are ‘greenified,’ the country could use up to $20 billion worth of energy annually. 

In addition, water bills can be greatly reduced by greener options.

For example, newer toilets that use only about one and a half gallons of water per flush are undeniably more efficient than units that use five to seven gallons per flush.

Final Word

Many people are hesitant to go green simply because they imagine the benefits to be far-flung and not that concrete, but this is actually far from the truth.

Environment advocates should direct their messaging on the more concrete and immediate benefits of going green.

This way, they might be able to convince people about the benefits of these practices for the planet.

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