How To Handle Gas Line Problems At Home


Gas piping is used on quite a wide scale in many homes today. This is needed for your furnace and to supply hot water across your home.

While a necessity, this doesn’t mean that it’s free from any risk. Even a minor problem can be dangerous, with gas leaks and gas piping problems being one of the most common household problems homeowners have to tackle.

Just in case you’re going to come across some gas line problems at home, it pays to know the ABCs of how to handle it while waiting for emergency plumbing services to arrive.

That knowledge can save your home from a possible bigger disaster, one which may cause damage not just to your home, but may lead to injuries, too.

With that said, jump right in below for tips, advice, and insights relating to the handling of gas line problems in a household.

Check The Stove Regularly

If you notice that your home smells like there’s gas over, the common culprit is your stove. Especially when there isn’t anyone cooking, there shouldn’t be that gas-like smell in your home.

Your first recourse is to check your stove. Even when you think you’ve turned the burners off, you can never be too sure. Someone may have bumped it, or a little child may have accidentally turned it as well.

If the burners are switched off but the smell of gas persists, that’s when you have to call an expert plumber. There could be a problem somewhere in the pipes or lines, which only they can troubleshoot.

Learn The Signs Of A Gas Line Problem

You can’t handle gas line problems properly when you don’t even know that a problem exists. It’s highly important to arm yourself with information on what the signs of a gas line problem are.

If you detect any of those signs and you absolutely don’t know what to do, call 911 or the fire department as soon as possible.

Along that line, the signs of a gas line problem include:

  • Dead or dying plants in your home, especially when you’ve been vigilant about their care;
  • Smell of rotten eggs around your home;
  • Family exhibits physical signs of gas poisoning like nausea, dizziness, and fatigue;
  • Hissing sounds inside your home;
  • Higher than usual gas usage or expense.

Keep The Lights Off

When the signs of a gas line problem exist, it’s also important to keep the lights off for everyone’s safety.

Switching on your lights can spark an explosion, especially if gas is already present in the air.

Inspect All The Appliances And Devices That Use Gas

It’s not just your stove that uses gas. The more bathrooms you have, the more sinks and water heaters are dependent on gas as well.

When a gas line problem exists, make it a point to inspect all of those appliances and devices, not just your gas.

Once the problem is solved by the experts, remember the proactive approach you can take to handling those gas line problems.

To prevent another risky situation, keep all those appliances well maintained and properly inspected, whenever necessary. 

Leave Your Home Immediately

Once you’ve called for emergency services, there’s no need to linger around your home. You have to leave the premises as soon as possible.

With gas line problems, it’s only a matter of time before a major explosion may occur.

Leaving your home, or at least staying outside while waiting for the fire department and an expert plumber to arrive, can keep your family safe.

Open All Doors And Windows

Proper ventilation in your home is also another effective way to avoid, stall, or possibly prevent an explosion.

There’s a need to open your doors and windows, so fresh air can also come inside your home. Turn off all appliances, and unplug them as well.

Most notably so, opening doors and windows can also bring out some of the gases which may have accumulated inside your home.

Install Gas And Carbon Monoxide Detectors

In the past, gas and carbon monoxide detectors weren’t required to have in a home.

Nowadays, however, it’s a major plus if you have such in your home. Slow and minimal gas leaks or gas line problems may not easily be distinguishable by man.

For that reason, a gas detector can do the job of alerting the homeowners of the presence of gas.


All the tips above considered, do remember that the knowledge you gain now doesn’t, in any way, turn you into an expert.

Yes, you may be able to do some minor troubleshooting and preventive maintenance here and there.

But with a matter as serious as gas, it’s best to leave this in the hands of the experts. Let them do the work for you to avoid any further damage.

Keep hold of the contact details of an expert plumber you can trust, so right there and then, you know who to call.

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